There are only a couple of companies in the country who specialize in Replicas and a few who dabble with them. We have been in business over 16 years and only specialize in Replicas that are preferably factory or professionally built rather than backyard put together kit cars. By comparison we have the best replicas nationwide and have sold thousands of replicas of all types all over the country. When their tastes change, many satisfied customers who have used and enjoyed our vehicles have sold the same cars for as much as they paid or more. Our cars and our prices are not the conventional cars or replicas from other dealers that are subject to depreciation. We can furnish you with a complete updated portfolio with great photographs of any cars you see online, showing the car from every angle, enabling you to judge the car properly. We realize that most people cannot fly all over the country to look at cars. Therefore, we submit professional photographs that are extremely accurate to portray the automobile as it really is, eliminating assumptions in the appearance and taking the guesswork out of making a decision.
We can also provide shipping to your door, to eliminate the expenses involved in flying in and the driving or shipping back. Our shippers have modern closed car carrying trucks designed to carry automobiles properly, safely and reliably. They are fully insured and bonded. The car leaves us spotlessly clean and arrives at your door spotlessly clean. We realize in this world we live in that people's taste change today it maybe sports car and in a year or two it might be a neo-classic. We also provide a buy back policy to buy back our car outright or as a trade on another replica at anytime! Please feel free to call me on any of our cars. For your convenience I am available from 8:30am - 11:00pm Eastern Standard time 7 days a week at 732-735-0125 or Toll Free at (866) 941-3147. Thank you for considering our fine replicas.
Thank you for visiting our website we hope to hear from you soon!